Dave East And Nipsey Hussle Were Working On A Collaborative Project Before His Death

In a recent interview with Revolt TV, New York rapper Dave East revealed that he and west coast legend Nipsey Hussle were working on a collaborative project before his tragic death. Dave and Nipsey first met through their gang affiliation….

“I’m from the [Rolling] 30s [Harlem Crips],” East said. “That’s how we met. I love Nip to death and I’m going to put on for Nip until my death.” – Dave East

Dave East goes on to talk about the progress of the project…

“We were six songs in,” East said. “We were planning a tour and all of that. F**k rap. I’m going to keep it 100. That was my ni**a. Anything we did together or anytime I had to be around that ni**a, I cherish it.”

“It’s wack he went out like that. That ni**a’s a king. Kings ain’t supposed to go out like that. But, that’s the world we’re living in,” he continued. “It’s wack he went out like that, but it sharpened me and a million other ni**as up. He went out like a G.”

Will Dave East ever release the 6-tracks that they completed? We will keep you updated as the information comes in. In the meantime we look forward to Dave East’s upcoming album Survival

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